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Cover Story
Active Lifestyle

Dan Baker
Want to get in shape in 2010? Just get started!

John Kelly, M.D.
John Kelly, M.D.

Mario Ojeda, Jr.
Why is that butterfly on your neck?

Jeff Clark

Running against heart disease

Healthy Trucking
Make healthier food choices

Fun & Games
Your duck is dead

Health Tips
There’s weigh too much to lose

Joseph Yao, M.D.
Tennis elbow

Marie Rodriguez
Resolve to know yourself

Highway Angels
Driver pulls injured man from burning truck


Publisher's Desk
To health and happiness

Industry News
It's News to Me!

Murphy's World
Famous last words

Driven Women

Wheels of Justice
Hard times ahead, or are they behind you?

Best Life
Exercise advise for autoimmune sufferers

Say What?

What’s your definition of a true professional?


Industry News

Marten Transport recognizes Drivers of the Month

Marten Transport recently announced their Drivers of the Month for September 2009. Marten recognizes these professional drivers for their commitment to operating safely and congratulates them on their outstanding effort. The list includes: Anthony D. Watford, Hugh Richardson, Larry Mullenax, Randall Wood, Jeffrey Prazan, Tim D. Harwell, Ahmed B. Diop, Mark Rumps, Robert Elder, Paul Vonblaj, Mark Barber, Gregory A. Mosier, Richard Watson, Steve Wymer, Reginald Stigall, Jose Magana, Dan Moore and Murray Nichols.

See their ad on the inside front cover of this issue!


WIT plans Salute to Women Behind the Wheel

Although women comprise less than 6 percent of the professional driving force, many have reached commendable levels of safety and experience. The Women In Trucking Association (WIT) plans to recognize these women and their accomplishments at the first annual “Salute to the Women Behind the Wheel.” The event, sponsored in part by Walmart, Daimler Trucks North America and Frito-Lay North America, will be held at the Mid-America Trucking Show in Louisville, KY, on March 27, 2010. All women with Class A licenses are invited to attend and participate in a group photo of what could be the largest gathering of female CDL holders in the world.


Wreaths Across America

A convoy of tractor-trailers hit the road in December with routes traveling across the country to deliver wreaths honoring veterans as part of Wreaths Across America program. The week-long convoy placed wreaths on veterans’ headstones in cemeteries around the nation, including Arlington National Cemetery. The American Trucking Associations’ Share the Road professional drivers participated in routes to South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, and America's Road Team Captains delivered wreaths in Vermont and New Hampshire.