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Dan Baker
Want to get in shape in 2010? Just get started!

John Kelly, M.D.
John Kelly, M.D.

Mario Ojeda, Jr.
Why is that butterfly on your neck?

Jeff Clark

Running against heart disease

Healthy Trucking
Make healthier food choices

Fun & Games
Your duck is dead

Health Tips
There’s weigh too much to lose

Joseph Yao, M.D.
Tennis elbow

Marie Rodriguez
Resolve to know yourself

Highway Angels
Driver pulls injured man from burning truck


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Murphy's World
Famous last words

Driven Women

Wheels of Justice
Hard times ahead, or are they behind you?

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Exercise advise for autoimmune sufferers

Say What?

What’s your definition of a true professional?


Say What?

What’s your definition of a true professional?

Derek Kroninger
, 30, Shepherdsville, KY  
Professional driving experience: 11 years 
“There are some real idiots out here. I don’t know what makes a true professional, but you should at least have a level head on your shoulders. That’s a good start. Show a little common sense. Remember you’re driving something down the interstate that weighs 80,000 pounds. If you have a little common sense, a little general knowledge, you can go pretty far in this business. The problem is, we have too many idiots out here, and I have no idea how they ever got a CDL.”

Dustin Link, 24, Boyceville, WI   
Professional driving experience: 6 years  
“Someone who’s courteous to other drivers, knows how to drive and takes care of themselves. Hygiene is a big thing. I’m an owner-operator and I can’t believe what some of these company guys look like when they get out of their truck. I think to myself, ‘That there is why truckers get a bad rap.’ Be professional about what you do. Take pride in your job. Don’t get on the radio and start cussing every other word. Clean up after yourself. Don’t leave a mess in the parking lot. That’s not asking too much.”

Mike Roberts, 48, Oklahoma City, OK 
Professional driving experience: 20 years    
“It’s pretty simple. Somebody who always delivers the load on time and has no accidents or speeding tickets. That’s about it. Like I said, it’s a pretty simple job. Why make it too complicated?”

Robert Michael Webb, 53, Midland, NC  
Professional driving experience: 37 years  
“It’s starts with courtesy. Treat people right, especially your customers. I always go the extra mile for the customer. When I hook up to a load, I make sure that load is delivered on time and in a safe manner. Watch out for all the drivers around you. Constantly watch your mirrors. Do not leave your lane until you are sure you’re clear. I’ve driven millions and millions of miles with no accidents and no claims. You do that by always understanding your circumstances and driving accordingly.”