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Why is that butterfly on your neck?

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Mario Ojeda, Jr.

Why is that butterfly on your neck?

PublisherOk, ok...so it's really not a butterfly but it sure does look like one! What I'm referring to is the thyroid gland that, literally, is wrapped around the inside of your neck. The reason for this is because the gland itself consists of two lobes that extend around the windpipe, located immediately below the “Adam's apple” section of the throat.
So, without bringing you back through memory lane and straight into your high school health classroom, here’s a run-down on the importance, deficiencies, and ways to maintain a healthy thyroid gland. This can greatly improve your quality of life while out driving that big rig.
     As you perhaps know, January is Thyroid Awareness Month here in the U.S. An important nutritional element necessary for proper thyroid function is Iodine. Historically, thyroid disease, due to malnutrition, used to be a very big problem up until Iodine was added to bread dough and then to salt. Iodine is naturally contained in seafood and in sea vegetables.  However, even with iodine more widely available, research shows that we’re not quite  “out of the woods,”  yet.  Because of a large number of us avoiding salt like the plague and watching bread consumption, we have fallen back into a dilemma.  If you’re not getting sufficient iodine then you may be at risk of being part of a rising statistic in which an estimated 10 percent of men and 20 percent of women in the U.S. deal with health issues as a result of  Iodine deficiency. Some of these issues are conditions like goiter, miscarriage and infertility. The thyroid, depending on the amount of a particular hormone it produces, controls your metabolism, heart rate, body weight, body temperature, energy level, muscle strength, menstrual regularity and even your mood! 
     How can you avoid thyroid disease? If you are on medical treatment and/or on a doctor's strict diet that restricts salt intake or know that you're allergic to the following dietary suggestions, then by all means consult with your physician first. Research studies conclude that a regular intake of zinc, selenium, antioxidants, Vitamin A, C, D, E, amino acids and iodine (most importantly) are all essential in proper function of the thyroid gland. Foods rich in selenium are nuts and some meats. Zinc can be found in oysters, low-fat roast beef, and roasted pumpkin/ squash seeds. Vitamins A and D can be found in milk and milk products, Vitamin C and antioxidants in oranges, blackberries, blueberries and many other fruits. And Vitamin E is found in nuts, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, hummus, and broccoli, too. Amino acids are found mostly in meats or in protein shakes.
     Of course, it can be difficult to keep up with a rich diet like this, given the nature of our job as professional drivers. There's also the alternative of dietary supplements you can find at quality health food stores all across the country. It's incredible how such a small, butterfly-looking gland can affect your health and well-being. Certainly, big things do come in small packages!
     Mario Ojeda Jr. is a professional over-the-road driver.