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Cover Story
Active Lifestyle

Dan Baker
Want to get in shape in 2010? Just get started!

John Kelly, M.D.
John Kelly, M.D.

Mario Ojeda, Jr.
Why is that butterfly on your neck?

Jeff Clark

Running against heart disease

Healthy Trucking
Make healthier food choices

Fun & Games
Your duck is dead

Health Tips
There’s weigh too much to lose

Joseph Yao, M.D.
Tennis elbow

Marie Rodriguez
Resolve to know yourself

Highway Angels
Driver pulls injured man from burning truck


Publisher's Desk
To health and happiness

Industry News
It's News to Me!

Murphy's World
Famous last words

Driven Women

Wheels of Justice
Hard times ahead, or are they behind you?

Best Life
Exercise advise for autoimmune sufferers

Say What?

What’s your definition of a true professional?


Publisher’s Desk

To health and happiness

PublisherThe new year is upon us, and hopefully we've all had some nice quality time to spend with our families and loved ones. As always, I hope you had a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
     For some, the new year can be very symbolic, almost like an opportunity to start all over. For others, it’s an opportunity to set out to improve and/or maintain our goals that we had set up in years past. And for others, it simply means the day after yesterday.
     Whatever January means to you, I hope it means a continuation of improved health and wellness for you and your family. I am extremely grateful for all of the feedback and suggestions so many of you have submitted; please keep them coming.
     I know how popular our November story on Alex Debogorski from “Ice Road Truckers” was, and not to be outdone, this month we feature Lisa Kelly from the same show.
     We are proud to provide you with these stories as well as the other articles from our editorial staff. If you have not had a chance to read any of our articles from any of our truck drivers that are a part of our editorial team, I encourage you to do so. It’s rewarding to hear how one driver’s inspirational story can motivate so many more.
     Whatever January means to you, here’s to your health and happiness!

Andy Shefsky